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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pinterest Promoted Pins Announced by Pinterest Founder

Pinterest founder Ben Silberman announced last week that Pinterest would start experimenting with promoted pins – What this means for internet marketers is more opportunity for you know what ? Guess what it is ?  Monetization.  Just like you can promote ads or promote posts on Facebook and you can promote tweets on Twitter. Soon you will be able to promote your pins on Pinterest.  The Pinterest Team is being very careful about the way it is using it site to monetize because it doesn't want to upset its growing population of users. They are being super sensitive to do it in a way that is non-obtrusive. It’s not an easy thing to do - to monetize site with ads or promoted posts/pins/tweets etc and still be loved but Pinterest is up for the Challenge.  Continue reading about the future of Pinterest - Pinterest Promoted Pins

Pinterest Promoted Pins

Announced by Pinterest Founder

pinterest promoted pins

First, here is what Ben said:

"Just over a year ago, my wife and I welcomed our son into the world. Since his first day, I’ve been pinning fun things we can do together, right now while he’s still little and later when he gets older. I know many of you do the same. Pinterest is where you keep your wishlists, vacation plans, dream home ideas, and other things you want to do soon and in the future.

That’s why for us, it’s so important that Pinterest is a service that will be here to stay. To help make sure it does, we’re going to start experimenting with promoting certain pins from a select group of businesses.

I know some of you may be thinking, “Oh great…here come the banner ads.” But we’re determined to not let that happen. While we haven’t figured out all the details, I can say that promoted pins will be:

Tasteful. No flashy banners or pop-up ads.

Transparent. We’ll always let you know if someone paid for what you see, or where you see it.

Relevant. These pins should be about stuff you’re actually interested in, like a delicious recipe, or a jacket that’s your style.

Improved based on your feedback. Keep letting us know what you think, and we’ll keep working to make things better.

For our first test, we’ll promote a few pins in search results and category feeds. For example, a pin for a Darth Vader outfit from a costume shop might be promoted in a search for “halloween.” Nobody’s paying for anything yet—we want to see how things go and, more than anything, hear what you think.

Thanks so much for all your support these first few years, and we hope you’ll keep pinning with us for many years to come!

All the best,
—Ben Silbermann, CEO & Co-Founder "


Here are is possible example of a promoted Pin found by the folks at MarketingonPinterest.com

PR & Social Media Director for Neff Associates Kylie Flett, “For advertisers, its huge. I mean, that’s where I see the biggest advantage. If I was an online retailer, if I was a fashion boutique or even people like HomeDepot who have the ability to market to the DIY’ers, advertising with promoted pins are definitely something I would be looking at.”

The goal of ads will be relevancy to a user’s search, and Pinterest will promote a few pins in search results and category feeds.

“I think the most compelling statistic that I’ve read is that the click-through rate on a Pinterest pin is about 1.1 percent which blows out of the water a Facebook banner ad which floats around that 0.1 percent.”

The post also emphasized that ads will be “tasteful” and not disruptive to the site’s user experience. Happy Pinning to all my readers !!

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