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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

15 iPhone Apps that Pay You for Using Them (Infographic)

Every year people spend billions on iPhone apps that entertain them, guide them and even help them get more organized. Usually apps cost money, and we all seem quite happy to pay for what we think is going to keep us occupied for a few hours. Apps in general are the ultimate procrastination tool, and we usually use them more than we should. Wouldn’t it be great if there were apps that we could download for free that actually pay us for using them?

As it turns out, there are quite a few of these iPhone apps, and I will present some of them here in this article. Out of pure curiosity, how much money do you think you have spent on iPhone apps since you got your first iPhone? It is said that every person who owns an iPhone spends around $150.00 per year on iPhone apps. That is a considerable amount of money, and enough that would make anyone start thinking about which ones they buy, right?

Maybe there is a way to pay for all of those iPhone apps without having to take it off your paycheck. In a fresh infographic called Apps Which Pay You presented by Top Apps, we are informed of 15 iPhone apps that actually go as far as paying you for using them. The reality a little bit different from the written word, we all know that. When these iPhone apps say that they pay you, they won’t do it just for using the app per say, there is of course more to it than that.

The effort comes in various missions and tasks that could earn you up to as much as $200.00 per completed task or mission. You can even make $50,000 a month if you are really good at what you are doing. The most rewarding app that I like is an exercise application called GymPact. It will have you work out and make money continuously just because you are working out. I know it sounds weird, but it actually works. However, if you break that pact, you will have to pay a “fine,” so you better be on your game for that particular app. There are of course more than just iPhone apps on this infographic, but it is ultimately for iPhone users.

Also check out my reviews on Zappidy ReviewCashCrate Review and FieldAgent App Review for more ways of making money from your phone explained.

1 comment:

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