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Monday, January 13, 2014

5 Reasons Why Most Bloggers will Fail in 2014

The year 2014 is upon us and the blogosphere is already filled with predictions of the hottest trends for the next 12 months. Internet marketing gurus are unveiling new strategies for the post Google Panda era, while bloggers are trying to find new ways to make more money online.

In short, things are moving quickly. One thing, however, that will remain constant this year as well, is your fate as a blogger.

Yes, you’ll continue to fail.

Like every year, you’ll see countless new blogs enter the digital world and become success stories. You’ll add tens of new bloggers to your mentor list and download numerous new eBooks in the hope of learning the secret of making money online.

But guess what, nothing will change.

You’ll spend another miserable year in front of your computer screen wondering what all the fuss is about.

5 Reasons Why Most Bloggers Fail

Here are 5 reasons why 2014 will be another year full of failures for you as a blogger.

1. You Do Not Have a Fixed Blogging Schedule

Do you know about the most critical thing in building up real life relationships?

It’s called staying-in-touch!

And blogging is no different.

If you publish 5 posts in one week and then stay silent for the next two months, then forget about building a relationship with your readers.

Google also keeps a close eye on your blog’s posting frequency and is more likely to rate regular publishers much higher.

No matter how frequently you publish on your blog, you need to have a fixed blogging schedule. Don’t wait for a killer idea or a spark of creativity to create your next post.

Consistency is one of the biggest challenges in blogging and following a fixed schedule is one of the best solutions for it.

You’ll hardly find any successful blogger who doesn’t have at least a rough posting schedule.

So if you continue to trick yourself with an “open” blogging schedule, then 2014 will be another year of zero blogging relationships and poor search engine traffic.


2. Your Blog Does Not Have a Voice

Have you ever wondered why most people sleep half way through college lectures and corporate presentations?

It’s because dry and boring information fails to engage people.

That is why presenters and lecturers who add personality to their talks find much more success even with some of the most uninterested audiences.

This is what’s missing from your content as well.

It’s just plain, dry and boring information that nobody wants to know.

Your content has no voice, no personality and nothing to relate with.

Continue doing that and be prepared for another year of comment-less posts and social media shares by your family members only.


3. You Still Write for Google

Some of your favorite things as a blogger are submitting posts to article directories, commenting on blogs for backlinks and writing keyword rich posts that Google loves, right?

Unfortunately, your kind was ditched by Google mid-way last year. These things don’t work anymore.

Google knows you’re only trying to win favors by using your target keywords in each line of your articles.

But of course you can continue to follow the SEO gurus who’ve somehow managed to find a tiny loophole in Google algorithms that they’re using to drive crazy traffic to their websites.

And you have the ever reliable article spinning tools at your disposal as well.

Who writes for people anyway?


4. You Have No Plans to Build Your Mailing List

Throughout 2013, you published hundreds of posts that attracted thousands of visitors to your website. Only a handful, however, subscribed to your mailing list.

This is one of the secrets behind your continued failure to make money from blogging.

2013 was the year when subscriber lists were needed the most. Blogs and online businesses with a healthy number of subscribers successfully recovered from all the major Google search engine updates and traffic pits.

And 2014 will be no different.

In fact, there’s every chance that mailing lists might soon become the only organic source of traffic generation for blogs and websites.

As the saying goes, money is in the list.

You, however, still seem to disagree and, as a result, will continue to suffer.


 5. You Are Not an Aggressive Marketer

Whatever I’ve said about you aside, you still are a pretty good writer.

When you get your head down and focus, you churn out awesome content. Unfortunately, nobody reads it.

Because the world doesn’t know you exist.

All successful bloggers are aggressive marketers as well. This aggression not only reflects through the various promotional strategies that they adopt, but also in the structure and the voice of their content.

They reach out to their target readers using strategies like guest blogging, email marketing, Facebook advertisements and networking.

You, however, continue to believe that sharing the links of your posts on your Facebook and Twitter profiles is enough to get visitors.

You believe that the sheer quality of your content is enough to drive Google crazy, and would force the few readers that you have to spread your content to every corner of the web.

You’re wrong, of course, and, as a result, would continue to waste your hard written content.



The blogosphere is changing rapidly, with new marketing strategies and new ways of making money online. All you need to do, in order to succeed as a blogger, is to sync yourself with the demands of modern blogging trends and start thinking like a real life marketer instead of just being a narrow minded keyword spammer.

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