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Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Marketing Resolutions and Goals to Live Up To

The time has come. It's 2014. You've likely considered a number of resolutions you want to follow through with in the New Year. Maybe it's to spend more time with family, or run more on the weekends, or try to cut pizza and other greasy foods out of your diet for a while (that's one of mine -- I doubt it'll last long, but I digress).

2014 Marketing Resolutions and Goals

Take a second to think about what you've resolved to accomplish in 2014. Are any of your resolutions marketing-related? Maybe you've thought of ways to better manage your time or come up with fun ideas for team outings, but if you don't have a list of resolutions to take your marketing to that next level, it's time to start developing one -- and we can help.

The one thing the resolutions listed below have in common is, they all revolve around the inbound marketing methodology, which means they require some in-depth data analysis to ensure you make the right adjustments and alterations to your marketing strategy.

So take the time to crunch the numbers, discover what is and isn't already working for you, modify your campaigns accordingly, and your 2014 is bound to be just as -- if not more -- successful than 2013.

1) Focus on mobile.

As Google Chairman Eric Schmidt outlined in this recent Bloomberg TV video, 2014 is going to be all about mobile. Don't believe him? Well, believe this: As of February 2013, there were 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions, the International Telecommunication Union reported. (I'll give you a minute to drink that one in.) Now, just imagine how much that figure has grown since then.

Smartphones and tablets are increasing in popularity by the day -- and we don't just mean in terms of sales. Consumers are using mobile devices more and more to conduct transactions, research brands, visit their favorite sites, and read and reply to emails.

So, if you're still under the impression that it's absolutely fine not to worry about optimizing your email campaigns and websites for mobile, it's time to modernize and make some headway in improving your mobile presence. This free mobile marketing guide should help you get started.

2) Make your website responsive.

While we're on the topic of mobile, this is as good a time as any to talk about responsive design.

Making the look and functionality of your site the same on both desktops and mobile devices can go a long way in bringing in new visitors and leads and bettering your bottom line. And with 17% of global web traffic coming from mobile, as Statista reports, you'll want to make your site is completely optimized for smartphones and tablets.

Given how relatively new the concept of responsive design is, we totally get it if you're not up to speed on exactly how to get your site fixed up properly. That's why we created this guide about what you'll need for your website, including tips to make it responsive. And good news if you're a HubSpot customer, since our new Content Optimization System has built-in responsive design, right out of the box!

3) Ditch a lot of those outbound efforts.

Our stance that inbound is the present and future of marketing only strengthens when we continually see the ineffectiveness outbound tactics have for brands and the incredible benefits inbound strategies bring marketers. Case in point: 54% more leads are generated from inbound than outbound efforts.

That stat is bound to grow more each year from here on out, so if you've still got precious budget invested in billboards, print, radio, and the like, it's time to consider reallocating those funds for better use.

For instance, given the importance of content marketing, you could double-down on content production and hire a full-time writer or some freelancers to develop blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, and other viable types of content for you.

What you'll see from this modification to your marketing is tangible data in your marketing analytics that shows your efforts' effectiveness. It's a lot better than having to guess if those newspaper ads did the trick, wouldn't you say?

4) Revitalize your content strategy.

Speaking of content, it's only going to become more important over the course of 2014, given Google's assertion that quality content will gradually have a bigger impact on SEO.

Because of this, it may be smart to evaluate a variety of types of content that could work for your inbound campaigns. You can determine what's best for your efforts in several ways -- chiefly, going over your analytics from the past several months and engaging in continual A/B testing.This post will help you get started with the former, and this one, the latter.

If you're planning on taking on a bunch of content types and need some help organizing and structuring them, these numerous templates can come in handy.

5) Adjust your social and email strategies as needed.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram -- these are the undisputed kings of social (at least for the moment).

While new, flashy social sites are bound to pop up over the course of the New Year, you'll first want to ensure you master these aforementioned platforms that have proven to bring substantial ROI for marketers worldwide before putting all of your eggs in a new-and-unproven social media basket.

In other words, we advise you resolve to fine-tune your prospecting on these sites before diverting efforts to the "next big thing."

Similarly, it may be wise to make one of your first priorities in 2014 to comb over your email marketing metrics to see what may need to be adapted or revised. For instance, if your workflows are out-of-date, set up new ones with the help of this lead nurturing ebook. Of course, to know which workflows to update, you may need to ...

6) Take a look at your buyer personas, too.

What good are all of the resolutions above if you don't know for whom you should be creating inbound campaigns in the first place? There's likely no better time than the start of the year to reexamine your buyer personas.

Be sure you don't put the horse before the cart in 2014. Truly understand your audience by conducting thorough research on them. Heck, you could even do some online surveys or focus groups to get a better, updated grasp on who they are and what they want (old school, perhaps, but still effective even in this day and age).

The bottom line is, you'll need to comprehend as much about your target demographic(s) as possible to know how to develop your content production, offers, and email and social strategies, among many other efforts.

Complete this resolution effectively by utilizing this free comprehensive guide and template that will assist you in creating your new persona(s) for the New Year.

7) BONUS: Consider a homepage revamp.

Although you may have already put in a great deal of time, effort, and resources to making a top-tier homepage, a change in buyer persona could mean it's time to give it a facelift.

Even if you haven't altered your persona, it may have been a while since the last time you made sufficient changes to your homepage to account for marketing new products or services, or even rebranding your company.

Whatever the reason for your update, you can fulfill this resolution using the resources in this detailed kit, which can help you plan your redesign from start to finish.

This article was originally featured on HubSpot blog.

What are some marketing resolutions you've come up with for this year? Tell us about one or more of them below!


  1. One of the first items that is addressed when looking at a hosted VoIP business phone service is the amount of bandwidth that your Internet connection has, both on the download and just an importantly on the upload, but its also needs to be a steady connection.

  2. Most sales professionals want to push their products. They focus on their pitch and their presentation. At the end of the day, it isn’t about us -- it is about our clients. We need to know their industry, their business, and how they want us to add value.

  3. It is important to understand the capabilities of your mining software to achieve maximum efficiency between the departments in your company.

  4. Every successful business owner has a clear idea of their limitations. By knowing your entrepreneurial personality type, you can manage your resources and find help in areas of weakness.

  5. Attitude is your ability to access your skill. If you’re not on top of your game, you won’t make many sales. We all know that, yet many salespeople don’t fire on all cylinders when they need to. Try measuring your attitude on a scale of 1 to 10 and concentrate on ensuring that you are on top of your game for all important sales  tasks such as prospecting, meetings, presentations, negotiations

  6. Many business leaders think that customer service and sales are actually different departments and have no relationship - in reality the sales and service should never be seen as separate issues - customer service is about understanding the customer's needs, and sales is about selling products that meet those needs. When you link the two processes in a closer way, you will find the business benefits from happier customers and increased sales as the sales team can be selling products to suit the customers..

  7. If you are simply looking for a way to get out of dealing with your taxes, there are lots of tax preparers and bookkeepers out there who are willing to do a plain vanilla tax filing on your behalf.

  8. Hiring an accountant who uses more obscure tax software won't affect the quality of the work, but it might make it tricky to switch accountants.

  9. Don't just say you want a loan, turn in your documentation, and expect the loan officer to rubber-stamp your request," "Fine-tune your business pitch to include your future prospects--not just highlight past successes."

  10. Know how to help a business turn a profit? If you have a good business sense, then you'll do well as a business consultant. After computer consulting, people in this field are the next most sought after.

  11. Know how to help a business turn a profit? If you have a good business sense, then you'll do well as a business consultant. After computer consulting, people in this field are the next most sought after.

  12. One of the first items that is addressed when looking at a hosted VoIP business phone service is the amount of bandwidth that your Internet connection has, both on the download and just an importantly on the upload, but its also needs to be a steady connection.

  13. Once the telephone system is in place, it will be relatively easy to scale it up as your company grows. Starting with a small dedicated phone system that fits your needs is a good way to control costs during the critical start-up phase.
